Can You Grow Carrots from Carrot Tops?

Can You Grow Carrots from Carrot Tops?

Ever wondered if you can regrow a carrot from its top? The answer is yes, you can! While you won’t exactly grow another full-sized root, you can grow carrot greens, which are equally useful and pretty exciting to watch. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to grow carrots from carrot tops, offering a unique and economical way to make the most of this tasty root vegetable while providing a fun gardening activity for both kids and adults.

Understanding Carrot Regrowth

Can You Really Regrow Carrots?

Technically, carrot tops won’t form new carrot roots because the part we eat, the root, has already completed its life cycle when harvested. However, the carrot tops or the green foliage can regrow, producing lovely carrot plants which can be used both for decorative purposes or for their flavorful and nutritious greens.

How to Grow Carrots From Carrot Tops

Step 1: Selecting the Carrots

Select fresh, organically grown carrots with their tops still attached or at least some green stubs visible. The fresher the carrot, the better your chance of re-growing green tops.

Step 2: Cutting the Carrots

Separate the top of the carrot from its root. You’ll need about an inch of the carrot top. Some prefer to cut it closer to two inches, asserting that this provides a broader base for the growth of roots and offers more stored energy for the top’s regrowth.

Step 3: Preparing to Plant

Place the cut carrot tops in shallow dishes, cut side down. Add enough water just to cover the cut surface but not enough to submerge the whole top. Ensure the upper part or crown stays above the water level.

Step 4: Choosing the Right Spot

Choose a location for your carrot tops that gets good sunlight but is not directly exposed to harsh sunlight, which could dry them out. You can do this on a windowsill or some other spot that gets plenty of light. You can also do this outdoors if your local weather permits.

Step 5: Maintaining the Plant

Change the water every day to prevent the build-up of mold or algae. In about a few days to a week, you’ll start noticing green shoots growing upwards from the top and tiny roots pushing down. This is an excellent sign that the carrot top is starting to regrow.

Step 6: Transferring to Soil (Optional)

If you wish, you can transfer the carrot tops to the soil after you notice new growth. Transplant them into containers or a garden patch with well-draining soil, leaving the new green growth above the ground. Water regularly, ensuring the soil is moist but not waterlogged, and ensure they are still receiving plenty of light.

Harvesting Carrot Greens

Choose small, tender leaves for the best flavor, similar to parsley but with a faint carrot flavor. You can continue cutting leaves without harming the plant as it will stimulate more growth.

Uses for Carrot Greens

Many people discard their carrot tops, but they’re edible and packed with nutrients. You can use carrot greens in salads, as a garnish, or blended into a pesto or smoothie. However, proceed with caution if you are allergic to carrots or celery, as carrot greens might also cause an allergic reaction.

What to Expect

While it’s an exciting home science experiment that turns kitchen scrap into a vibrant houseplant, remember that regrowing carrot tops will not produce a new carrot root. The full-sized carrot consumed is a taproot and once harvested, does not regenerate.

Beyond Carrots: Other Vegetables to Regrow

Growing carrot tops is just the tip of the iceberg. Many vegetables can be regrown from scraps, such as lettuce, celery, and green onions. Teaching children to grow veggies from scraps not only excites them about gardening but also emphasizes the concept of sustainability and minimal waste.


This fun gardening project allows you to enjoy the beauty of a mini carrot forest right on your windowsill while discovering the value of recycling food waste. It will not only give you fresh, nutritious greens that enliven your meals, but it’s also a meaningful educational activity to engage kids in gardening and learning more about where their food comes from. So, save those tops and start growing your carrots from carrot tops today!


While it’s generally safe to eat carrot tops, some people may be allergic or have a sensitivity, resulting in an upset stomach when consumed. As with any food, it’s essential to try a small quantity and then observe your body’s reaction before consuming more significant amounts of carrot tops.






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