Are Herbs Vegetables?

Are Herbs Vegetables? An Exploration into Plant Classification

Understanding plant classifications can sometimes feel a bit like navigating a labyrinth, with different categories and subcategories overlapping and interweaving in ways that create exceptions to every rule. Simple questions like “Are herbs vegetables?” at first glance, seem directly answerable. However, the answer is more elaborate than it appears. This article will take a deep dive into the nuances of plant classification and explore relatively straightforward questions like these.

Key Plant Categories

Most plants we eat fall into three main categories: fruits, vegetables, and herbs.


From a botanical perspective, fruits are mature ovaries of flowering plants, typically containing seeds. This category includes apples, pears, peaches, and seemingly unsuspected candidates like tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers.


“Vegetable” is more of a culinary term than a botanical one. Typically, vegetables are parts of a plant that are edible but are not fruits. This includes stems (celery), roots (carrots), leaves (spinach), bulbs (onion), and even flowers (broccoli).


Herbs, in the culinary context, are usually plants with savory or aromatic properties used in small amounts for flavoring rather than as the main ingredient. The category broadly includes basil, oregano, and thyme. However, the botanical definition of an herb is a non-woody plant, which encompasses a wide variety of plants beyond culinary herbs.

Each category has a bit of overlap, so things can get complicated quickly. That’s why the question is – are herbs vegetables? – often leads to confusion.

Herbs, Not Just for Cooking

When we think about herbs, we typically imagine basil, oregano, parsley, or thyme in a cookbook’s ingredient list. However, in botanical terms, an herb refers to a much larger group of plants that are decidedly non-woody and flower-producing. This category can include a broad range of species that aren’t typically associated with herbs used in cooking, encompassing various “soft” plants from fields of grass to lily pads on ponds.

As such, many culinary herbs are also technically vegetables, as they are non-fruit parts of the plant that we eat. However, herbs hold their own category largely because of their utilization in cooking. It’s about the role they play in our food preparation and consumption.

Navigating the Gray Zones

The issue with classifying any plant as either a “vegetable” or an “herb” is that these terms don’t really have specific scientific definitions. As referred to earlier, “vegetable” is primarily a culinary term and refers to parts of plants that are consumed as food, usually during a meal that isn’t dessert. In the horticultural sense, it generally includes the parts of the plant (like leaves, roots, or stems) that don’t involve the reproductive system.

However, herbs can overlap with this definition. Plants like cilantro, dill, or parsley could technically be classified as both an herb (used in small amounts for flavor) and a vegetable (it’s the leafy part of the plant).

On the other hand, herbs used for medicinal purposes, like echinacea or St. John’s wort, fit into the botanical but not the culinary definition of herbs, and they’re certainly not vegetables. Also, some herbs, like vanilla or star anise, are parts of the plant’s reproductive system and are thus technically fruits, not vegetables. So, the question of whether herbs are vegetables or not must be answered in the context given.

Categorical Flexibility in Cooking

While this all might seem a little confusing, the flexibility in plant categories can be a benefit for cooking and meal planning. For example, you might think of basil, rosemary, or thyme strictly as herbs to season a dish. However, when added in larger amounts, they can act as vegetables, contributing more substance and fiber to a meal.

In the same vein, we often think of vegetables like spinach and kale as a base for a salad or a side dish. Still, when used sparingly, they can also act as herbs by providing a punch of flavor to dishes.

Conclusion: So, Are Herbs Vegetables?

The answer to the question: “Are herbs vegetables?” is – it depends. Culinary and botanical definitions of “herbs” and “vegetables” vary. If we consider the plant part we consume and its culinary use, some herbs could be classified as vegetables and vice versa. However, the distinct usage of herbs in seasoning or flavoring food sets them apart in the gastronomy world.

This overlap between ‘herbs’ and ‘vegetables’ serves as a reminder of both the diversity and versatility of the plant world in our diet. It highlights the seamlessness with which species can cross over categories, defying classification and, in the process, enriching our culinary experiences. Whether seasoning with a sprig of thyme or bulking up a stew with heaps of spinach, we should fully explore the gray zones of these categories, both for the sake of culinary creativity and appreciation of the natural world’s variety.






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