Can you Grow Onions from Onions?

Can you Grow Onions from Onions

The simple answer to the question, “Can you grow onions from onions?” is yes. You can grow new onions from the bulbs of old ones, effectively turning a single onion into a continuous source of this popular kitchen staple. In this article, we’ll explore the process of growing onions from onions and how you can achieve a successful harvest in your garden or containers.

Understanding the Onion Lifecycle

To successfully grow onions from onions, it’s essential to understand their lifecycle. Onions are biennial plants that complete their lifecycle in two years. In the first year, they produce bulbous roots which we use as the edible portion. In the second year, onions produce flowers and set seeds. It’s during this second year that you can harvest seeds and use them to grow new onions. However, we’ll focus on using the bulbs themselves as a means of propagation.

Step-by-Step Process to Growing Onions from Onions

Here is a simple step-by-step process to grow onions from bulbs or scraps of old onions.

1. Select a Healthy Onion

Choose a healthy onion with a firm texture and no signs of mold. Onions that have begun to sprout are excellent candidates for this process.

2. Prepare the Onion

If your onion has a visible sprout, you can plant it directly into the soil. If the onion has not sprouted yet, you’ll need to encourage it to do so.

  • Option 1: Cut the onion’s bottom end, where the roots would grow, and leave about a quarter to half an inch of the bulb attached. Then, place the cut end on a saucer or shallow dish with a small amount of water.
  • Option 2: You can also encourage sprouting by wrapping the onion in a damp paper towel and placing it in a dark, cool cupboard for a few days until you see sprouts.

3. Prepare the Planting Site

Choose a location with well-draining soil and full sun exposure for at least 6-8 hours per day. Onions grow optimally within a pH range of 6-6.8. If growing in containers, choose pots with drainage holes and an appropriate soil mix.

4. Plant the Onion

Once you see sprouts emerging from your onion, it’s time to plant. Dig a hole just deep enough to accommodate the sprouted onion and cover it with soil. The onion’s top end should be at the soil surface. If planting multiple onions, space them about 4-6 inches apart.

5. Care for Your Growing Onions

Onions need proper care to thrive and produce new bulbs. Water your onions consistently, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Onions have shallow root systems, making consistent moisture crucial. Fertilize your onions with a balanced, organic fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6. Harvest Your New Onions

After several months, your onions should have produced new bulbs. You’ll know it’s time to harvest when the onion’s foliage begins to yellow and flop over. Gently dig around the onion and pull it from the ground. Allow your onions to cure in a dry, well-ventilated area for two to four weeks before storing them.


Growing onions from onions is not only possible but also a rewarding, sustainable practice that offers numerous advantages. With this method, you can yield a consistent supply of onions from a single initial purchase. Furthermore, you can transform your kitchen scraps into a vibrant, productive garden, making it an economically sound and eco-friendly approach to gardening. By understanding the onion’s lifecycle, selecting a healthy starting bulb, providing the right conditions for growth, and caring sufficiently for the plant, you can revel in the world of homegrown onions. Remember, gardening is a process of learning and discovery, so don’t be disheartened by initial obstacles. With patience, nurture, and a bit of gardening know-how, your onion-growing endeavors can indeed flourish. Start planting today, and rejoice in the fruitful journey of transforming an everyday kitchen essential into an ongoing source of harvest.

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